Tuesday, October 21, 2008

House and Girlie

Here's Evelyn painting away at the new house. She loves being our big "helper" Of course all of you know how big a help a one-and-a-half year old are. Those quickly became her painting clothes and she now wears them whenever we go to the new house to help Daddy
As you can see we found her a roller just her size (even if we never put any paint on it)
This is the baby's room. These pictures don't do the gorgeous color much justice but you can see where the other color in the room, the beige wall, buts up against it for a nice contrast. I picked very warm colors for the house all of them in the same depth of color. Evelyn's pictures didn't turn out very well cause her room is beige and yellow and I took these in the evening with a dying camera so you can hardly see the color difference in her room, but I love how they turned out! Daniel's and my room is all in the same beige of the other walls and the living area/kitchen. We'll have white doors in the halls.
I had to throw this one in of her new hat. Ijust think she's so adorable in it! And its all lined in the softest fleece for winter. She seems to like it too!
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Heather said...

The house is looking good! You guys are busy, busy, busy!! How is the pregnancy going?

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

wow. I cannot believe how cute she is. look at those eyes! look at that hair! look at that smile! she's a wonder to behold; an artist, a dreamer, an architect. . .is that laying it on thick enough? = )

Linguistica said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little girl is adorable! Looks like your house is going to turn out so nice. Yes, I'm thinking maybe I can get to Newport in Feb! God bless you!


Lynne' said...

The roller pictures are REALLY cute! I know it's not really helping now, but just keep having her help because then when she's older and it really IS helping she'll be totally used to it! Lily is actually getting to wear she doesn't exactly help, but she doesn't make anything harder now either... and it keeps her happy and we bond. It's very fun. (We made cookies today together and she vacuumed and swept with me using her toy vacuum and "sweeper" as she calls it.) :)

We should get together more for the girls to play. :)