Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Christmas Portraits

Hey there Everyone! Well, no baby news yet but I decided to take Evie in for one last hurrah at the picture place as an only child.
I think that they all turned out really well. The house is going really well, but I don't know if we'll be moved in by Christmas or not.
I'm just focusing on the baby right now and trying not to do too much (right) seeing as some of my tummy muscles just aren't what they were the first time around. :)
I'm also working at just enjoying these last few weeks with my firstborn daughter. She really is the light of my life and in this Christmas season she is bringing me more joy than I ever thought possible. I'll post some last week belly pics soon...I heard that certain people were interested in some of those (don't know why, trust me-it's not pretty!) Later!
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Shelley said...

Ahhh!!!! Nice! Miss you guys. Thanks for the encouraging words the other day! I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers as you prepare for some important event that may be in your near future! :)

Lynne' said...

The ones with the two of you are so sweet! It reminds me of those last pictures I got of Lily and me before Renna was born. Did you get any of her patting your tummy or anything?