Thursday, July 29, 2010

Girls Day Out!!!

Yesterday I needed a break and mom was (of course) willing to help. So we enlisted the help of Grandma Sandy and away mom and I went! We rode in the little red jeep into spokane and started on the South Hill at the Rockwood Bakery. We then headed across the street to Manito to take pics at the Koi Pond and the Rose Hill. We were lucky enough to catch some musicians playing by the cafe in the park. Five violins, a flute, keyboard and cello make for some fine music! We had a good time and when it got hot we headed back north to get pedis at Wal Mart! What a great summer break day!
a rose in her own right
love these!
my fave

Last but not least a clip of the music "the entertainer".  Not the best song we heard but a classic nonetheless!
Oh! I almost forgot the fishies! This was the best pic. I love how the trees in the bottom left are reflected so clearly. Kind of looks like the fish is floating through the air.

1 comment:

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

I like the purple one. not that it's my favorite flower but it's my facorite rose picture