Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The beginnings of my Ramblings

Okay all. here goes. for a time now I have considered actually using my blog for its intended purpose. To stay connected but also to define my deeper thoughts and dreams and hash out some kind of focus in life that is passing me by while I sit on the computer...oh wait. Anyways, Today felt like day to get some randomness off my chest. Here's the first random thought particulate: (can I have a drum roll please?) Why are swings a necessary toy at EVERY park and school ground? Have you ever seen one without swings? Who decided that a swing is automatically included in the equipment of childhood???!!!! Okay I have nothing against swings in case you are wondering (unless they be uncontrollable mood swings).  All right now that the trivial is out of the way on to a particular swing I have been dealing with lately. That is the swing of loving motherhood and every aspect of staying home to raise my children to the "I'm going to pull all of my hair out and not just because its rapidly turning gray" swing! I KNOW you other mothers are with me on this. How can I go one minute from noticing the funny face they are making or the way a chubby hand holds a baby doll to short tempered, mean talking, out of patience "mommy's a monster!"- ness? I do realize my grammar is completely unacceptable so if you are reading this for an English fix please feel free to look elsewhere. Back to point in case, how do I control my temper? How do I dig up the patience to finish dinner without serving up the girls?  (No we are not, in general, cannibals) I am finding that lately I am simply spreading myself too thin. When I am away from home my focus is not  immediate discipline, the kind that stops the girls in their tracks because of my deep and abiding love and authority over them :) It is enough attention to keep them happy and me happy and never the twain shall meet. At home I am dividing myself between housework, yard work, cooking, and face booking while the girls wind up dividing themselves between, Dora, Diego, Wonder pets and Backyardigans. Wait a minute! Was something missing from that list of mine? Oh yes. You can throw 2 minutes of prayer in there before bed and all my time spent reading the Word of GOD, which is zero. I am beginning to see why I have problems. Why is it I can put EVERYTHING else before my time with the Lord and expect to have what I need to raise my girls in the manner I wish including loving them to pieces, always being there for them, and showing them the utmost patience in every circumstance? It's time to WAKE UP! Time to get my priorities right! Even with the girls I see time and again how a small amount of attention can go a very loooooong way. So I am going to try harder to put my small amount of attention where it should be in my prayer life, my scripture life and my family life. Sounds good no? :) :) :)
P.S. I do realize that talk is cheap but every step counts. :)

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