Thursday, August 05, 2010

When Opposites Attract

So we finally watched Blindside last night. It was truly the feel good movie everyone described. One of my favorite parts was the bedroom scene when she told her husband "You knew I was a multi-tasker when you married me right?" So true for myself too! How many things did you know you and your husband were different about before you married? How many did you realize after? :) Besides the glaring differences in simply being male and female, I am constantly surprised at the many ways Daniel and I differ. Many of these differences work very well for us. I talk, he listens, I am extremely emotional and sensitive to others emotions Daniel, well,  not so much :) He makes long term goals I live in the here and now seldom caring to plan beyond the week. Then there are differences that have caused friction. We handle problem matters in very different ways. We view things from different perspectives. We go about fixing things differently. Daniel is adventurous and I am more of a homebody now that the children have arrived. I have found cause more recently as our marriage has matured, to be thankful for even these differences. We are learning work harder at doing things together and to be prepared for the differences we are aware of. These differences are often a strength in one person and a weak place in the other. We are teaching each other about our strengths and being willing to let go of our weaknesses. I guess all of this to say, I am thankful for my husband. Thankful that He loves the Lord, loves his family, and is a hard worker. Thankful that he's different than me and thankful that our opposites attracted! Finally, I'm thankful that the Lord set the example of love in His word, that the more I know Him, the more I want to be like Him. I see His strengths and I find my weakness and He loves me anyway.

1 comment:

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

see? I TOLD You you were sentimental about daniel and me about the kids so no giving me guf about sappy kid posts. haah aha. oh, and don't worry jeremy and I are the same that way. I asked him what his fears were (from our bible study) and he says that he always fears if something happpened to the kids. Thanks, what am I?. . .=)