Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sandpoint Beach

You gotta love the cloudy sky and the hot latte'. That's how we roll!
Sarah and Logan
Love how clear the water is!
Trevor just chillin
A few weeks ago we decided to head out to the Sandpoint City beach. It was a great day that was supposed to be really warm. Soon after we arrived clouds came in and it became overcast and chilly. I had dressed the girls for the 84 degree weather we were supposed to be having. Luckily some friends had a few extra clothes they could borrow to keep them warm. The cold didn't deter the kids from getting in the water but the moms stayed dry and chose to get the little ones out earlier than they though. Not to have our day shortened, we headed over to the playground and then got free lunches at the park from Child Nation. By that time the sun had returned and we stayed another hour just hanging out on the grass in the large center lawn. All in all it was a wonderful time with friends and lots of kiddos!
Sarah, Brodie and Trevor's sis (Nicki I can't believe I am blanking on your daughter's name!)

Thursday, August 05, 2010

When Opposites Attract

So we finally watched Blindside last night. It was truly the feel good movie everyone described. One of my favorite parts was the bedroom scene when she told her husband "You knew I was a multi-tasker when you married me right?" So true for myself too! How many things did you know you and your husband were different about before you married? How many did you realize after? :) Besides the glaring differences in simply being male and female, I am constantly surprised at the many ways Daniel and I differ. Many of these differences work very well for us. I talk, he listens, I am extremely emotional and sensitive to others emotions Daniel, well,  not so much :) He makes long term goals I live in the here and now seldom caring to plan beyond the week. Then there are differences that have caused friction. We handle problem matters in very different ways. We view things from different perspectives. We go about fixing things differently. Daniel is adventurous and I am more of a homebody now that the children have arrived. I have found cause more recently as our marriage has matured, to be thankful for even these differences. We are learning work harder at doing things together and to be prepared for the differences we are aware of. These differences are often a strength in one person and a weak place in the other. We are teaching each other about our strengths and being willing to let go of our weaknesses. I guess all of this to say, I am thankful for my husband. Thankful that He loves the Lord, loves his family, and is a hard worker. Thankful that he's different than me and thankful that our opposites attracted! Finally, I'm thankful that the Lord set the example of love in His word, that the more I know Him, the more I want to be like Him. I see His strengths and I find my weakness and He loves me anyway.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The ramblings continue

Well, here I am again. I find myself thinking that is a good and a dangerous outlet for my thoughts to spew forth into the wide world. Good because its easy and works at the touch of a button. Bad because I have no censure until after someone has read what I type. Things placed in "ink" are not easily erased. Which brings me to my question of the day: should we apologize about something to someone we hurt inadvertently? I mean if we did or said something that we stand by and believe to be the truth but the results were not what we planned and someone was hurt? Whether or not it was our problem or the other persons (and I've usually found that very few problems are one sided!) Do we apologize? Here is my conclusion for myself. I think I do. I think I must. Our intents are often very far from what our human minds and bodies can achieve. We intend to speak the truth in love. Love gets left behind. We intend to give a handshake and we crush a finger. (Okay that almost made sense) :) From a quick search of forgiveness in the word this morning I could find nothing on apologizing but much on confession. They appear to be almost synonymous. And if you think about it, what is an apology but a confession? "I did such and such and it was wrong. I'm sorry, please forgive me." The humility evident in such faithful men as David and the Apostles shines through the clearest when they are confessing their shortcomings and when they are requesting forgiveness from God and/or the brethren. This humility has always been a symbol to me of spiritual maturity. I have said in my own life "I was right, its not fair. I shouldn't have to apologize if they took it the wrong way or too personally". But what is the cost of being "right" -if, indeed, I was- ? The cost is someone hurt because of me. A wound that has no chance to heal completely because forgiveness cannot be offered before an apology and here we come to the crux of the matter. If I don't ask forgiveness it cannot be granted. If I don't humble myself before God and any human being that has been wronged by me (intentionally or not) I cannot receive their forgiveness and folks, I want that healing!!!! I want the healing for them and I want it for myself! God's forgiveness is readily available. Time and time again I fail and what do I have to do? Humble myself and ask His forgiveness. Confess! Be forgiven! God gave His son so that He could wipe our sins away. Once we have accepted that gift of  grace the first step is always ours. Confess, repent, humble thyself, He is faithful to forgive. Humans are not always so faithful but if we don't give them a chance by apologizing and we haven't taken the first step how can they take the next step and forgive? These are just my thoughts and they are not perfect and defects may readily occur. In fact, I know they will occur. I am not using this blog to try and "teach" or to "preach". Simply to express myself.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The beginnings of my Ramblings

Okay all. here goes. for a time now I have considered actually using my blog for its intended purpose. To stay connected but also to define my deeper thoughts and dreams and hash out some kind of focus in life that is passing me by while I sit on the computer...oh wait. Anyways, Today felt like day to get some randomness off my chest. Here's the first random thought particulate: (can I have a drum roll please?) Why are swings a necessary toy at EVERY park and school ground? Have you ever seen one without swings? Who decided that a swing is automatically included in the equipment of childhood???!!!! Okay I have nothing against swings in case you are wondering (unless they be uncontrollable mood swings).  All right now that the trivial is out of the way on to a particular swing I have been dealing with lately. That is the swing of loving motherhood and every aspect of staying home to raise my children to the "I'm going to pull all of my hair out and not just because its rapidly turning gray" swing! I KNOW you other mothers are with me on this. How can I go one minute from noticing the funny face they are making or the way a chubby hand holds a baby doll to short tempered, mean talking, out of patience "mommy's a monster!"- ness? I do realize my grammar is completely unacceptable so if you are reading this for an English fix please feel free to look elsewhere. Back to point in case, how do I control my temper? How do I dig up the patience to finish dinner without serving up the girls?  (No we are not, in general, cannibals) I am finding that lately I am simply spreading myself too thin. When I am away from home my focus is not  immediate discipline, the kind that stops the girls in their tracks because of my deep and abiding love and authority over them :) It is enough attention to keep them happy and me happy and never the twain shall meet. At home I am dividing myself between housework, yard work, cooking, and face booking while the girls wind up dividing themselves between, Dora, Diego, Wonder pets and Backyardigans. Wait a minute! Was something missing from that list of mine? Oh yes. You can throw 2 minutes of prayer in there before bed and all my time spent reading the Word of GOD, which is zero. I am beginning to see why I have problems. Why is it I can put EVERYTHING else before my time with the Lord and expect to have what I need to raise my girls in the manner I wish including loving them to pieces, always being there for them, and showing them the utmost patience in every circumstance? It's time to WAKE UP! Time to get my priorities right! Even with the girls I see time and again how a small amount of attention can go a very loooooong way. So I am going to try harder to put my small amount of attention where it should be in my prayer life, my scripture life and my family life. Sounds good no? :) :) :)
P.S. I do realize that talk is cheap but every step counts. :)